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Reduce the use and risks of pesticides

About AdvisoryNetPEST

Enhance EU advisory services and foster knowledge sharing

The AdvisoryNetPEST project aims to create a network and upgrade advisory services across the EU to increase the sharing of knowledge and the adoption of innovative solutions to reduce the use and risks of pesticides (RURP) in all EU Member States, enabling the agricultural sector to achieve the targets proposed by the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Our Latest news

Establishing the Network: Portuguese National Meeting

IPM Decisions Platform available for advisors across Europe

IPMworks Toolbox

IPMWORKS Toolbox: Find and share IPM Resources

Main Objectives

Enhance EU advisory services and foster knowledge sharing

The network will embrace a multi-actor approach by gathering 17 partners representing the diversity of AKIS stakeholders working at farm, regional, national, and EU levels, aiming to identify, select, and shape novel approaches to be adapted and replicated across the EU.

EU Member States

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