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AdvisoryNetPEST project was presented at the clustering online meeting of advisory networks and other advisory related projects organized by DG AGRI

April 15, 2024

On 12 April 2024, the AdvisoryNetPEST project took part in the online clustering meeting of advice networks and other advice-related projects, organised by the European Commission’s DG AGRI.

This meeting brought together 11 different projects, all related to advisory services in the agri-food sector, some of them in their last phase of activities and others just starting out. The main objective was to discuss the core of each project, its main activities/initiatives that could be of interest to others and to share experiences with the advisory networks so far.

The AdvisoryNetPEST project was represented by its Coordinator Dina Lopes, Director of Research and Innovation at CONSULAI, who explained the main objectives, the activities to be carried out over the next 5 years and the expectations regarding the EU ADVISORY NETWORKS to reduce the use and risks of PESTicides in Europe.

The DG AGRI representatives were very satisfied with the fruitful discussion between the different project coordinators and the prospects for synergies that emerged from this meeting and felt that this initiative should be repeated in the near future.

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