This year of 2024 has been a thrill and coordinating the AdvisoryNetPEST project has allowed me and the remaining CONSULAI team to get an overall picture of the agricultural advisory ecosystem in Europe. The AdvisoryNetPEST project is a Horizon Europe project that started on January 2024 and will last 5 years. In these remaining 4 years we will be working on creating a network of advisors with the main objective of reducing the use and risks of pesticides. To reach that goal, we are identifying novel approaches, and we want to select and then replicate and scale up these approaches.
CONSULAI is coordinating this project and together with our partners we plan to address all the EU member states, establishing 28 Networks of advisors that will cover the main crop sectors in Europe: arable crops, vineyards, orchards, horticulture, soft fruits and ornamental. With these networks we intend to exchange knowledge and train advisors to promote the adoption of the novel approaches as innovative solutions on the use of pesticides by farmers.”
Dina Lopes
AdvisoryNetPEST Coordinator