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Study on weed distribution and control in European agriculture

March 18, 2025

Weeds pose a major challenge for arable farming and field vegetable and fruit production systems, especially on farms that pursue non-chemical weed management.

The transition to more sustainable agriculture and climate change could also lead to new weed problems. For example, there are already indications that certain parasitic weeds are advancing in North-West Europe. Factors such as reduced or zero-tillage, the use of green manures and flower-rich field margins, and a warmer or drier climate may play a role in this.

To gain a better understanding of these developments, researchers from Wageningen University & Research (the Netherlands) and the University of Greenwich (UK) are conducting a Europe-wide survey.

For this purpose, they are looking for arable farmers, advisors and researchers who would like to participate. The researchers are soliciting responses from farms that already deal with these type of weeds as well as from farms where this is not (yet) the case.

Are you an arable farmer or do you work in the sector? Please take this short online survey (max. 10 minutes).

Participate here:

The survey is open until May 16, 2025.

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